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Amy Eaton - Writer, Performer, Director & Coach
Photo: Jean Lamont
Home: Welcome
Coaching & Directing

Have a book release? Want to polish up a piece to read for an open mic or live lit event? Whether you have previous performance experience or none at all, I can help you reach your audience at a deeper level. We can work in person if you're in the Chicago area or remotely by video chat if you're not.
Have a longer piece? More than one performer? I can help you there too!
Fees vary by project requirements. Contact me and let me know how I can help you deliver your most effective performance.
Photo by Banter Snaps on Unsplash
Home: Services
Select Published Work, Live Lit and Solo Performance
What Now?: 20x2 Chicago
My Brother Was A Real Dog: Mulberry Literary
Turning Point: Lancaster Story Slam-HippoCamp Edition (1st place)
In Memoriam: Miss Spoken
Pass vs. Fail: Write Club Chicago
My Generation: Miss Spoken
Butter Up Bacon: The Stoop
Unfinished Business: Louder Than A Mom
Birds vs Bees: Write Club Chicago
Change of Heart: Fillet of Solo with Tellin' Tales Theater
Of A Certain Age: Miss Spoken
Fairy Godmother: The Coachella Review
Road Trip: Miss Spoken
System vs Chaos: Write Club Chicago
Phobia: Tellin' Tales Theater
Inside vs Outside: Write Club Chicago
Letting Go: Fillet of Solo with Tellin' Tales Theater
13 Grandmothers:RhinoFest
Honor Thy Mother: Blue Rider Theater
Photographs of My Mother: Links Hall
With me by Katie Johnston in Mulberry Literary
With Megan Stielstra in Hippocampus Magazine
With Jeannine Ouellette in Hippocampus Magazine
With Davon Loeb in Hippocampus Magazine
Directing, Arts Ed Work and General Bossiness
Co-DirectorWhat Are You, Lily Be?: Lily Be for Fillet of Solo
Live Lit Workshop: Creative Light Factory
Red Flags: Tekki Lomnicki for Fillet of Solo
HippoCamp: A Conference for Creative Non Fiction Flash Panel (Fail and Get Back Up)
B&E Open Mic Workshop with Feedback with Lily Be and Amy E
Andy's Summer Playhouse: Personal Narrative workshops
URLife Storytelling Game show Co-Host
Urban Gateways Residency Artist
Director-Pigeons With Teeth
Director- Blurred Vision (Tekki Lomnicki)
Artistic Director/Founder: Mudlark Theater Company
Artistic Director: Evanston Children's Theater
Gallery 37 Residency Artist
Thunder Rd Ensemble Company member
Nature of the Beast Ensemble member
Abiogenesis Company member
What else?
I have a BFA in Acting from Ithaca College with a Writing minor. I have been a singer/songwriter, a tap dancer, a modern dancer, and an actress too. I can run a light board and knit a hat. I'm still looking for bandmates for my all-mama punk band "The Contractions" so we can finally play "PUT DOWN THAT STICK!" I have two sons, two cats, and a really tall husband.
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Home: Events List

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